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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Our volunteer opportunities are understandably very different right now, but we are always looking for help!

Why get involved at PS9?

The participation of the parents at PS9 makes all the difference in terms of the quality of our children’s education. Volunteers, working to make our fundraising events a success, make these programs possible:

Assistant Teachers – we pay the salary of every PS9 assistant teacher for every classroom, K through 5. Without our work there would be no assistant teachers.
Spanish language program for all grades
Our highly regarded chess program; teacher salary and supplies
Library resources
Fabulous art, music, and movement enrichments and events
Music, Art and Science Materials
Babysitting and pizza for our kids during evening PA meetings

There are many ways to contribute to the volunteer effort at PS9 – everything from baking your favorite cookie recipe for a bake sale to being on the Executive Board of the PA. We’re sure that you can find something that you enjoy doing that fits your abilities and availability.


The Auction raises more than half of the funds needed to pay for our assistant teachers and various enrichment programs, making it the biggest fundraiser of the year. This year’s auction is being held on March 22, 2025, and we can’t make it happen without YOU! Whether you want to help set up decorations, organize the food and drink, or are great at soliciting donations, there’s a role for you. Please email

Family Giving

Count Me In is PS 9’s annual fund drive responsible for raising almost 50% of the PA’s budget. We need people with marketing experience and organizational skills to help with our campaign, matching gift, and grade-level communication. Contact:

Halloween Hop

Halloween Hop is the first major event of the school year and it is wildly popular among the kids, giving them a safe and fun environment to dress up (kids and parents too!), play games, enjoy crafts, and celebrate Halloween with their new PS9 friends and families. It is a terrific fundraising event that is open to all, including friends and families from the community. Contact:

Spring Festival

Similar to the Halloween Hop in spirit is the Spring Fair. Volunteers are needed to help plan and coordinate this fabulous community fair which is all about science, movement, and our fabulous garden. Join up to help with the many activities, assigning parents to staff each activity and work the cafe, help solicit donations, set up the night before and morning of, clean up, etc. Contact:

Other Committees

Art Night

We are fortunate to have an incredible art program which we showcase each year on Art Night, displaying art from all of the grades throughout the school. Art Night is also an interactive experience that gives our children an opportunity to create 6 sculptures, which are then prominently displayed outside the school all year. Volunteers are needed to help plan and execute. This event also includes an International Pot Luck Dinner, showcasing the culture and diversity found at PS9. Contact:


Grades K-2 get chess as part of their school program. But chess does not stop there. Our children participate at chess tournaments, one held at PS9 in the fall and one in the spring every year–sponsored by Tri-State Chess. Volunteers are needed to help publicize, organize, or work the food tables (yet another fund raising opportunity!). Contact:


From our fabulous weekly Sunday night email updates to directory updates, volunteers are needed to help keep the PS9 community informed on a constant basis. And to help with the website, volunteers are needed there as well to help keep it fresh, current and informative. Contact:

Duplication/Making Copies

If you have access to copiers, we have things to copy! Contact:

External Affairs

If being connected to the DOE, CEC, CB7, electeds, president’s council, and other community forums involved with the education of our children is of interest to you, please join this important committee – it involves attending meetings (held morning and/or evenings) in the community. Contact:

Garden Team

The Columbus Avenue Garden is beautiful because of the parents and kids that help make it beautiful. If you have a green thumb – or want to give your kids an opportunity to water, weed, and plant or tend a garden, this is your opportunity to do so. Contact:

Graduation Committee Needs

5th grade parents to help make your child’s graduation as memorable as possible.  Join us in the fun of planning the graduation ceremony and the graduation party.  We need lots of volunteers and sub-committee co-chairs to manage the many facets of graduation.  4th grade parents are needed to chaperone the party and learn the ropes for when it is your turn! Contact:


The grants committee researches and applies for grants to help fund school programs and activities including chess, Art, Spanish, music, and the library. We reach out to foundations and corporations. Volunteers are needed to research grant opportunities or help write the grant proposals. No prior experience is necessary. Contact:

Green Team

From composting to recycling at school events, our Green Team helps identify and implement programs to keep the PS9 mindful of the environment. Our 9REEN and 9ARDEN committees often work together, and are the co-sponsors of our annual Spring Fair green and art project. Contact:


Volunteers are needed with helping setting up for school events (such as PA meetings) and cleaning up afterwards. Contact:

Parent Leaders

You can volunteer in the school as a Parent Leader; at PS9, parent Learning Leaders staff the library, work in the Reading Resource Room, work with the upper grade Art Teacher and students, read to students on a one to one basis, cut and install tennis balls on the bottom of all the classroom chairs to provide quieter classrooms … and more. You can volunteer for a regular weekly assignment or on an ad hoc basis, as available. Training is mandatory and will be held at PS9 in October. It’s a wonderful way to get to know other parents, students, and actively support the PS9 community. Contact:


Help design, create, execute, and sell PS9 merchandise. Contact:

Movie Night

For 2 nights of the year, we turn the school into a movie theatre! It’s a night for students to kick back and watch a movie with their friends and family – with food and goodies available for sale, it’s always a crowd pleaser! Food donations & volunteer helpers are most welcome! Contact:

International Night

Help with the set up for international night.

Art Night

Help with our annual art night.

Scholastic Book Fair

The annual book fair, which takes place in March, offers a great opportunity for the PS9 community to purchase Scholastic books with a portion of the proceeds benefitting PS9. Volunteers are needed to help with set up and class visits. Contact:

Spanish Translation

Volunteers with written and verbal Spanish skills are needed to help with translations for PA flyers and class communication. Contact:

Wellness Committee

Wellness Committee helps us bring health, nutrition and fitness related opportunities to our children and the PS 9 community as well as plan Groovy Nights and wellness speaker series events throughout the year. Contact:

Yearbook Committee

Volunteers from all grades are needed to help produce our Yearbook. Every class and grade participates. It’s a must read! We need parents who can design, organize, help with sales, jobs big and small. Please sign up if interested—we need you! Contact:

Log into A to Z Connect

If you'd like to view additional volunteer opportunities, please follow the link below to visit A to Z Connect.

Log into A to Z Connect


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100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Sep 19, 2023
Pre-K and Kindergarten Parents/Kids Get to Know You Event
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Sep 27, 2023
Coffee with Admin and School Counselor - 5th Grade
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Sep 28, 2023
1st Grade Parents/Kids Get to Know You Event
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Sep 29, 2023
Oct 5, 2023
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Oct 6, 2023
Coffee with Admin - Prek and K
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Oct 12, 2023
2nd Grade Parents/ Kids Get to Know You Event
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Oct 13, 2023
Coffee with Admin - 4th Grade
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Oct 18, 2023
Oct 19, 2023
3rd Grade Parents/ Kids Get to Know You Event
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
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100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Oct 21, 2023
Oct 26, 2023
PA/Executive Board Meeting
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Nov 2, 2023
Parent/Teacher Conferences
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Nov 8, 2023
5th Grade Parents/ Kids Get to Know You Event
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
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100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Nov 8, 2023
Coffee with Admin - 1st Grade
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Nov 15, 2023
Coffee with Admin - 2nd Grade
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Nov 15, 2023
4th Grade Parents/ Kids Get to Know You Event
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Nov 16, 2023
PA/Executive Board Meeting
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Dec 6, 2023
Coffee with Admin - 3rd Grade
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Dec 15, 2023
PA/Executive Board Meeting
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Jan 19, 2024
Jan 25, 2024
PA/Executive Board Meeting
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Feb 28, 2024
PA/Executive Board Meeting
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Mar 7, 2024
Parent/Teacher Conferences
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
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100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Mar 9, 2024
Mar 27, 2024
PA/Executive Board Meeting
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Apr 18, 2024
Parent Association General Meeting
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
May 4, 2024
Spring Festival and Book Fair
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
May 17, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
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100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
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100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
100 W 84th St New York, NY 10024